
In this paper, we present the use of deep neural networks to estimate physical parameters from complex optical emission spectra of the Dβ/Hβ transition. Specifically, we focus on estimating the radio frequency electric field vector of the lower hybrid wave and isotope ratio within the scrape-off-layer plasma of the WEST tokamak. Fitting the spectral data using a traditional non-linear least squares analysis requires many free parameters and is computationally expensive, rendering the data unusable for real-time control. By implementing relatively small neural networks, the physical parameters can be directly extracted from the spectral data with reasonable accuracy in a few milliseconds. The deep neural network prediction can serve as input for a reduced model using least-squares fitting or for real-time control. We show that deep neural networks can be an effective tool for analyzing complex multicomponent spectra, providing a speedup of more than 105 times compared to least residual analysis, with an accuracy of 0.5% for the isotope ratio, and 0.09 kV/cm and 0.38 kV/cm for the RF radial and poloidal electric field respectively.

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