
Completing the sexual response cycle can improve individual whole-body wellness. While humans are born with the innate essential of completing the sexual response cycle (orgasm), a lack of education and generational bias has kept orgasm in a fog of shame and guilt. After twelve years of personal research and study on the process and pleasure of the human orgasm, it has led me to support the existing studies of human orgasm that report the bodies’ whole-body benefits of the phases of the orgasm. How the human is stimulated to orgasm is less important than the existence of arousal and the intensity of the climax. There are four primary phases of the sexual response cycle developed by William Masters and Virginia Johnson and published in their 1966 book: Human Sexual Response. Through research, they created a four-step cycle that begins with excitement/attraction, and continues through a plateau, the orgasm and resolution process. There is much research conducted that supports their findings.

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