
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a painful, chronic inflammatory skin disease that negatively affects patient quality of life, and conventional treatments are variably effective. As a result, patients often turn to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for pain relief. Social media enables HS patients to share treatment recommendations. TikTok is a popular social media platform, but little is known about the HS treatments discussed in TikTok videos.  Objective: To evaluate the content and quality of information on TikTok regarding CAM HS therapies.  Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted by performing a search in TikTok using the terms #hidradenitissuppurativa, #hswarrior, #naturalremedy, #complementarymedicine, #alternativemedicine, and #HStreatment. Two independent reviewers evaluated video quality using the DISCERN and AVA instruments. Linear regressions compared the engagement, DISCERN, and AVA scores among different uploader types. In total, 91 TikTok videos were analyzed. Videos were uploaded by non-physicians (82.4), dermatologists (6.6%), and private companies (11.0%). The average DISCERN and AVA scores were 36.2 and 1.6, respectively (poor quality). Common CAM therapies were natural salves, turmeric, Epsom salts, elimination diets, and zinc supplements. Physician-uploaded videos were of significantly higher quality than videos by other uploader types, with an average DISCERN and AVA score of 44.3 (P<0.009) and 2.6 (P<0.001), respectively (fair quality). TikTok videos were poor quality (low DISCERN and AVA scores); physician-uploaded videos were fair quality. Dermatologists can improve video quality by adequately discussing the supporting evidence, mechanisms of action, and remaining questions for HS treatments.  J Drugs Dermatol. 2024;23(3):e93-96. doi:10.36849/JDD.7738e.

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