
The research is directed to systematization of information on trends in the development of the world coffee market in order to identify problems for the period from 2016 to 2021. That is why the authors not only systematize information, but also conduct competitive analysis based on statistical databases. The subject of the research is a competitive analysis of the world coffee market. The goal of the article is research and analysis of the current state of the world coffee market, identification of key players on it who are the main founders of its development processes, building a profile of their competitiveness. The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of the current state of the world coffee market and determination of the trend of its development; identification of key players in the global coffee market and analysis of their financial indicators; assessment of the competitiveness of the largest coffee production companies in the world according to certain parameters. The methods used are: analysis and synthesis, comparison and grouping, comprehensive assessment. The results have been obtained: determining the current state and trends in the world coffee market, prices for green coffee beans, world volumes of domestic coffee production (harvest) and exports, main countries-importers and exporters of coffee beans, retail prices of roasted coffee beans among the countries of the world, volumes of sales of ready-made coffee beans, soluble products in the world, shares of the retail market trade of the world’s largest producers of grain and instant coffee products, the ratio of sales of finished coffee products in the world by geographical indication. An assessment of the competitiveness of the researched companies for the production of ready-made coffee products was carried out according to parameters, which made it possible to identify three leaders in the world market. Conclusions. The results of the competitive analysis of the global coffee market can be used in the work of consulting companies, business analysts and coffee business owners. The practical benefit of this research lies in the determination of key indicators of market functioning and the formation of a structural approach to conducting a competitive analysis of not only the world, but also the national coffee market, based on information from statistical databases.

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