
This scientific article explores the crucial issue of compensating minors for the loss or reduction of their working capacity resulting from mutilation or other health-related damages. Minors are particularly vulnerable to such injuries, which can have profound and lifelong consequences on their physical, emotional, and socio-economic well­being. This study delves into the legal, ethical, and practical dimensions of compensating minors in these circumstances.
 The research begins by analyzing the existing legal frameworks and international conventions that safeguard the rights of minors and underscore the obligation to provide compensation for harm. It highlights the importance of a child's right to development and protection from exploitation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the consequences of mutilation and health-related damages.
 Furthermore, this article explores the complexities surrounding the assessment of compensation for minors, taking into account the unique developmental trajectories and potential future earnings of children. It investigates methodologies for estimating both immediate and long-term damages, considering medical costs, psychological support, and educational needs. The article also discusses the role of insurance systems and public policies in facilitating compensation and support for affected minors.
 Additionally, ethical considerations are scrutinized, such as the necessity of prioritizing the child's best interests and ensuring that compensation mechanisms do not inadvertently perpetuate exploitation or discrimination. The article examines case studies from various jurisdictions, shedding light on successful practices and potential areas for improvement.
 In conclusion, this scientific article underscores the urgency of addressing compensation for minors who have suffered mutilation or other health damages affecting their working capacity. It advocates for a holistic approach that integrates legal, ethical, and practical considerations to ensure that affected minors receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives and realize their full potential despite the challenges they face.

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