
Abstract Temik 15 G, Nemacur 15 G, Di-Syston 15 G, and Orthene 75 S were evaluated with and without Dagger G for effects on plant stand and height as well as for seedling insect pest control. Terraclor Super X (TSX) was used as a fungicide standard and Temik 15 G + TSX served as the standard in-furrow insecticide treatment. Test plots of 4 rows (40-inch spacing) by 65 ft at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, La., were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design. Cotton was planted at a rate of 52,000 plants/acre on 5 May on a Commerce silt loam soil fertilized with 70 lb nitrogen/acre. The crop for the previous 2 yr was corn. Granular test treatments were applied in furrow with a John Deere 7300 series planter equipped with split applicator boxes. Major and secondary pest treatments were initiated in late June and maintained as needed through August. Treatment efficacy for thrips and aphids was measured by washing insects from 10 seedling cotton plants/plot onto 300-mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm), and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Collections and observations were made 30 May. Stand data were recorded by counting all plants on the center 2 rows of each plot 30 May and 16 Jun. Plant population data reported are means for these dates. Plant height data are reported as means of 3 observations made 30 May, 15 Jun, and 30 Jun. Yield was estimated by harvesting all 4 rows of each plot with a mechanical harvester 23 Sep.

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