
This paper describes a simple approach to position cells and monitor chemotactic migrations of MDA-MB 231 human breast cancer cells. The device was fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) using soft lithography and micromolding techniques. The device has three compartments with volumes less than 2 μL in each channel. The middle compartment is separated by a physical barrier in which a number of small microgrooves are embedded to allow diffusion of chemicals and migration of cells. The three-compartment diffusion system generated a steady state gradient with an exponential shape across the middle channel. It gives two extreme regions for real time monitoring of cellular behaviors: control and gradient regions. To demonstrate the utility of the device for cell migration, chemotaxis of breast cancer cells was successfully observed in a soluble gradient of chemoattractant (EGF). During the chemotaxis experiment, most cells in the control region remained along the barrier and a few cells (11.4%) migrated towards the side channel while many of the cells (31.6%) in the gradient region migrated towards the side channel containing EGF. This device is expected to be applicable as an alternative method for the investigation of chemotactic migration of cells.

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