
The purpose of this paper is to compare the effects of medium motion and its inhomogeneity on sound propagation in the ocean at frequencies from a few tens to a hundred Hz for the sound paths up to several hundreds kilometers in length. It is considered the acoustic propagation passing through a cyclonic eddy and the Gulf Stream current. In moving fluid, the sound propagation is described by a system of seven linear partial differential equations for seven unknown elements of a sound wave. These are the sound pressure, the particle oscillation velocity in a sound wave as well as the changes in medium density, its entropy and concentration of the salt caused by the passage of a sound wave. All these elements of a sound wave are seek in the form of a sum of the quasi-normal waves using the modification of the method of horizontal rays/vertical modes. The numerical simulations are carried out on the base of formulas taking into account the first correction to the adiabatic approximation.

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