
This study compares the disinfection performance of ceramic water filters impregnated with two antibacterial compounds: silver nanoparticles and a polymer based quaternary amine functiaonalized silsesquioxane (poly(trihydroxysilyl) propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (TPA)). This study evaluated these compounds using ceramic disks manufactures with clay obtained from a ceramic filter factory located in San Mateo Ixtatan, Guatemala. Instead of using full size ceramic water filters, manufactured 6.5cm diameter ceramic water filter disks were used. Results showed that TPA can achieve a log bacterial reduction value of 10 while silver nanoparticles reached up to 2log reduction using a initial concentration of bacteria of 1010–1011CFU/ml. Similarly, bacterial transport demonstrated that ceramic filter disks painted with TPA achieved a bacterial log reduction value of 6.24, which is about 2log higher than the values obtained for disks painted with silver nanoparticles (bacterial log reduction value: 4.42). The release of both disinfectants from the ceramic materials to the treated water was determined measuring the effluent concentrations in each test performed. Regarding TPA, about 3% of the total mass applied to the ceramic disks was released in the effluent over 300min, which is slightly lower than the release percentage for silver nanoparticles (4%). This study showed that TPA provides a comparable disinfection performance than silver nanoparticles in ceramic water filter. Another advantage of using TPA is the cost as the price of TPA is considerable lower than silver nanoparticles. In spite of the use of TPA in several medical related products, there is only partial information regarding the health risk associated with the ingestion of this compound. Additional long-term toxicological information for TPA should be evaluated before its future application in ceramic water filters.

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