Caries is the most widespread stomatological disease among children, teenagers, and adults. After their eruption, hard tooth tissues are under the constant influence of oral liquid, property, and composition of which constantly change under the influence of different factors, such as local and general. Local and general factors, among which there is the state of hygiene of oral cavity, presence of somatic pathologies, psycho-emotional state of patient and others, influence the indexes of oral liquid. Considerable influence of the development of pathology of hard tissues has increased the secretion of saliva, its viscosity. Worsening of these indexes speeds the formation of dental plaque and change of its microbial composition, which, in turn, results in the demineralization of enamel. Therefore, a study of the speed of salivation and viscosity of mouth liquid in teenagers with caries is a pressing problem for the further planning of prophylactic measures in them.
 Undertaken studies of the speed of salivation certify the difference of indexes for teenagers, that study in different establishments of education. Thus, among 15 and 16-years-old teenagers that attend school an index was higher for schoolchildren as compared to the college students (p0,01), which could be explained by better stomatological status for them: the school attenders had the compensated degree of activity of caries, and college students ̶ compensated, subcompensated and decompensated. For schoolchildren speed of salivation improves from the age of 15 to 16 (p0,01), and for the students of the college, it remains almost at the same level.
 Students of university at 17 and 18 years had an index of the speed of salivation, that met a standard and did not have a reliable difference in different age-old periods, but had a reliable difference when compared to the index of college students. Speed of salivation for college attenders decreased with age and had the worst result in 18 years old.
 Leaning on the obtained data, there is ap necessity of the study of this index, according to the degree of activity of caries. From all examined patients, the best index of the speed of salivation was in teenagers with the compensated degree of caries activity, the worst ̶ in decompensated. The students of different educational establishments have the educed reliable difference of speed of salivation. The worst indexes were found in the examined college students, regardless of the degree of caries activity. The received results need a more detailed study of the reasons of origin of the cariogenic situation of this contingent of teenagers. The viscosity of oral liquid has a considerable influence on the state of the hard tissues of teeth. Its increase results in the considerable accumulation of dental stratifications, increase in the amount of microflora that results in focal demineralization. We found the dependence of this index on the degree of caries activity in attenders of different educational establishments. The viscosity of the oral liquid increases with the increase of index of intensity of caries and reaches a maximum for teenagers with the decompensated degree of caries activity. The worst index is found in college students with the decompensated degree of caries activity. Even at the identical degree of caries activity, the viscosity of mouth liquid in teenagers, that study in a college is higher than in those, who attend school or university. The received results of research need a more detailed study of factors that influence on the origin of the cariogenic situation in the mouth cavity for college students.
 The results of our research testify to the presence of the highly expressed cariogenic situation in the oral cavity of teenagers, that study in a college that is expressed in the decline of the index of the speed of salivation and increase of viscosity of the oral liquid. Indexes that were studied deteriorate depending on age and degree of caries activity, and reach the maximum in 18-years-old college students. Both, speed of salivation and viscosity of oral liquid were the worst in teenagers with the decompensated degree of caries activity. The received results have to be directed for the development of prophylactic measures at this contingent to increase the resistance of hard tooth tissues for prevention of appearance and development of caries in them.
hard tooth tissues are under the constant influence of oral liquid
composition of which constantly change under the influence of different factors
there is the state of hygiene of oral cavity
Проведені дослідження швидкості слиновиділення засвідчують різницю показників у підлітків, які навчаються в різних закладах освіти. У школярів швидкість слиновиділення покращується від 15 до 16 років (p 0,01), а в підлітків коледжу залишається майже на однаковому рівні (p 0,05). Студенти університету в 17 і 18 років мали показник швидкості слиновиділення, який відповідав нормі й не мав вірогідної різниці в різні вікові періоди, але мав вірогідну різницю при порівнянні з показником відвідувачів коледжу. Швидкість слиновиділення в студентів коледжу знижувалася з віком і мала найгірший результат у 18 років. Таблиця 1 Показники швидкості слиновиділення і в'язкості ротової рідини підлітків 15-18 років (M±m). Із усіх обстеже- явили в обстежених студентів коледжу, незалених найкращий показник швидкості слиновиді- жно від ступеня активності карієсу. Таблиця 2 Швидкість слиновиділення в підлітків 15-18 років з урахуванням ступеня активності карієсу (M±m)
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