
Purpose: This study aims to compare algorithms to determine the accuracy of the algorithm and determine the speed of the algorithm used for diabetes classification.
 Methods: There are two algorithms used in this study, namely Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN). The data used is the Pima Indians Diabetes Database. The data contains 768 data with 8 attributes and 1 target class, namely 0 for no diabetes and 1 for diabetes. The dataset has been divided into 80% training data and 20% testing data.
 Result: Accuracy is obtained after implementing k-fold cross validation with a value of k = 4. The accuracy results show that the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is superior and has better quickness compared to the Probabilistic Neural Network. The k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm obtains an accuracy of 74.6% for all features and 78.1% for four features
 Novelty: The novelty of this paper is optimizing and improving accuracy which is implemented with by focusing on data preprocessing, feature selection and k-fold cross validation in the classification algorithm

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