
Indonesia is a country that has a variety of exotic tourist destinations and can attract tourists to visit. Currently, tourism is one of the sectors that plays a major role in driving the Indonesian economy. Various tourists, both domestic and foreign, are expected to continue to increase in number every year. Therefore, appropriate policies are needed from the government to develop the tourism sector so that it can be even better over time. This research aims to predict the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and local polynomial regression. The data used in this research is the number of foreign tourist visits per month from January 2017 to December 2022 obtained from the the Kemenparekraf website. This data is fluctuating so that the method a local polynomial approach is appropriate for this study. The data analysis method used are local polynomial regression and ARIMA model. In the ARIMA model there are assumptions that must be met. In this study, the ARIMA model obtained has met the assumption of residual normality but does not meet the assumption of homoscedasticity so that ARIMA modeling cannot be continued and analysis is only carried out with local polynomial regression. The result of this study is a prediction of future tourist visits. The MAPE value of the local polynomial regression approach is 1.43% which is categorized as a prediction with high accuracy because the value is less than 10%. Thus, the local polynomial regression approach is very well used to predict the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia.

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