
A 1000 base pair (bp) model supercoiled DNA is simulated using spherical screened Coulomb interactions between subunits on one hand and equivalent hard-cylinder interactions on the other. The amplitudes, or effective charges, of the spherical screened Coulomb electrostatic potentials are chosen so that the electrostatic potential surrounding the middle of a linear array of 2001 subunits (31.8 A diameter) closely matches the solution of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a cylinder with 12 A radius and the full linear charge density of DNA at all distances beyond the 24 A hard-core diameter. This superposition of spherical screened Coulomb potentials is practically identical to the particular solution of the cylindrical linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation that matches the solution of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation at large distances. The interaction energy between subunits is reckoned from the effective charges according to the standard DLVO expression. The equivalent hard-cylinder diameter is chosen following Stigter's protocol for matching second virial coefficients, but for the full linear charge density of DNA. The electrostatic persistence length of the model with screened Coulomb interactions is extremely sensitive to the (arbitrarily) chosen subunit length at the higher salt concentrations. The persistence length of the hard-cylinder model is adjusted to match that of the screened Coulomb model for each ionic condition. Simulations for a superhelix density sigma = -0.05 using a spherical screened Coulomb interaction plus a 24 A hard-cylinder core (SCPHC) potential indicate that the radius of gyration of this 1000 bp DNA actually undergoes a slight increase as the NaCl concentration is raised from 0.01 to 1.0M. Thus, merely softening the potential from hard-cylinder to screened Coulomb form does not produce a large decrease in radius of gyration with increasing NaCl concentration for DNAs of this size. Radii of gyration, static structure factors, and diffusion coefficients obtained using the equivalent hard-cylinder (EHC) potential agree well with those obtained using the SCPHC potential in 1.0M NaCl, but in 0.1M NaCl the agreement is not as good, and in 0.01M NaCl the agreement is definitely unsatisfactory. These conclusions differ in significant respects from those obtained in previous studies.

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