
The mechanisms of the interaction between plasma and electrode material in a pseudo-spark-discharge seem to be of fundamental interest. Therefore, molybdenum electrodes, stressed by long term operation in a pseudo-spark switch (PSS) as well as in a spark gap switch, were studied with a scanning electron microscope. In addition, electrodes with a 10µm molybdenum coating deposited by a PVD-process, were also applied, both in the PSS and in a spark-gap configuration. In this contribution observations about the influence of the pseudo-spark discharge plasma on the electrode surface are reported. By comparing the results with the effects caused by the high pressure spark discharge, conclusions concerning the discharge mechanism can be drawn.KeywordsElectrode MaterialCathode SurfaceCathode FallMolybdenum CoatingTrigger UnitThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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