
Four gas turbine systems are compared: simple gas turbine (SGT), gas turbine with evaporative inlet air cooler (EVGT), steam injection gas turbine (STIG) and steam injection gas turbine with evaporative inlet air cooler (ESTIG). These comparisons are done on the basis of conventional exergy analysis and the results show that the ESTIG cycle is the most advantageous for the designer. After determining the ESTIG optimum conditions from maximum net work and maximum second law efficiency perspectives using conventional exergy analysis, advanced exergy analysis is performed for this system at its optimum conditions to provide detailed information about the improvement potential of the system components. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the engineering method and the thermodynamic cycle method is used to validate the endogenous exergy destruction rates of the system components. The results show that the optimization priority order for the system components is different when determined with advanced exergy analysis compared to conventional exergy analysis.

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