
Background and Objectives:The purpose of this study is to compare the new Core ® stent and PalmazSchatz ® (PS stent in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model. Methods:Twelve pigs underwent balloon injury followed by implantation of oversized, tubular-type Core ® and PS ® stents (stent/artery ratio 1.2:1 in twenty-four coronary arteries. Quantitative analyses of the initial and follow-up coronary angiograms at 4 weeks after stenting was performed. The extents of injury and the neointimal area were compared between the two stented groups according to morphometric analysis. The stent flexibility and longitudinal staightening effect were compared between the two groups by the bending test and measurement of the angle changes. Results:1 The reference vessel diameter, stented artery diameter, and diameter of the stenosis were not different between the two groups. 2 The neointimal area was significantly smaller in the Core ® stent group than in the PS ® stent group (1.81±0.67 mm 2 vs 2.93±0.94 mm 2 , p=0.006. 3 The Core ® stent had more flexible property than the PS ® stent. 4 The angle changes following stent implantation did not differ between the two groups(13.2±9.0, 14.4±11.1, p=0.88. Conclusion:Core ® stent is effective in the inhibition of neointimal formation in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model. These results may be due to the improved flexibility of the Core ® stent, although further clinical trials may be needed. (Korean Circulation J 2001; 31(7 :655-661

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