<p>目的:分析優秀男子羽球選手在不同訓練時期之心肺功能變化。方法:本研究共有14位大學甲組層級的男子羽球選手,並於訓練期與比賽期使用肺功能機、血壓機、20公尺折返跑來測試運動員之心肺功能,包括收集選手的基本資料及選手在心肺功能測驗時所測得之肺功能、安靜時之心跳率與血壓、預測之最大耗氧量等,所檢測的數據以Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test進行統計分析比較兩時期之心肺功能變化及差異。結果:在肺功能的部分,雖然潮氣容積、肺活量與最大換氣量在訓練期與比賽期無顯著差異,然而比賽期的第一秒用力吐氣量有低於訓練期的趨勢,而在75%、50%與25%最大肺活量的用力呼氣速率卻為比賽期顯著低於訓練期。再者,除了比賽期的心跳有較低的趨勢外,其餘心血管參數在兩個時期皆無差異,但是比賽期的預測最大耗氧量有較訓練期為佳的現象。結論:研究發現大學男子羽球選手的心肺功能在訓練期與比賽期差異不大,僅有比賽期的用力呼氣速率顯著低於訓練期,但是預測最大耗氧量仍優於訓練期。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Purpose: To compare the cardiopulmonary function of elite male badminton players between training and competition periods. Methods: Fourteen male college badminton players were recruited for this study. Data were collected using the lung spirometry, blood pressure instrument, and 20-meter shuttle run in training and competition periods. Basic data including name, age, body fat percent, body mass index, training years and information, body fat, and smoking habit, and cardiopulmonary data including tidal volume (VT), force vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1.0), maximal ventilation volume (MVV), resting heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and predicted maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) were analyzed. Wilcoxon signed ranked test was used to compare these parameters of cardiopulmonary functions of badminton players between different stages. Result: In the lung function part, although there was no difference in the VT, FVC and MVV between training and competition periods, there was a tendency that the FEV1.0 was lower than in training period. Furthermore, the forced expiratory flow at 75%, 50% and 25% of VCmax in the competition period were significantly slower than the training period. Secondly, there was no difference in the cardiovascular parameters between two periods, except the heart rate was slightly slower than the training period. But the predicted VO2max in the competition period was significantly better than the training period. Conclusion: This study showed the minor change of cardiopulmonary functions of college male badminton players between pre- and post-competition periods. Specifically, the forced expiratory flow was significantly slower in the competition period, but the VO2max was better.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Published Version
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