
Abstract Guthion and Dimilin applications were made for full-season control of the sugarcane borer (SCB) in a block of first stubble crop sugarcane (variety CP 65-357) located at Fredrick Brothers Farm near Theriot, Louisiana. A randomized complete block experimental design was employed with treatments replicated 4 times. Individual plots were three 24.2 ft rows spaced 6 ft apart (0.01 acre). Each spray concentrate was applied to the sugarcane canopy in water at 30 psi with a compressed air knapsack sprayer that delivered 25 gallons of finished formulation per acre, per application. Dimilin concentrates were applied with and without a light emulsifiable oil (Savol), which was added to designated treatments at a rate of 1 pint per acre (0.50% cone). Insecticide applications were begun on June 14 after internodes were first visible above ground and when 5% of the stalks contained small SCB larvae in leafsheaths; applications were terminated August 2. Efficacy of individual insecticide treatments was determined at harvest-time by comparing the percent internodes bored in treated plots with that found in untreated plots. Twenty stalks were selected at random from the center row of each plot on August 30 and examined for external signs of SCB entrance and exit holes.

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