
The study “Comparison of Beginner and Experienced Teachers aims to bring a comparison of the experiences of Beginning teachers and those with experience in the teaching in Kosovo. It focuses on identifying and comparing differences in four aspects, which are closely related to the learning process: pre-service preparation, cooperation with parents, time management and classroom management. The population of the study are Teachers from Compulsory Education in Kosovo (Grades 1-9). The data was obtained using a 5-point Likert scale Questionnaire (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree) with Cronbach's Alpha =.81 and KMO and Bartlett's Test=.79 with a sample of 336 teachers from 13 Municipalities of the seven regions of Kosovo ( Beginning Teachers = 51.8%; Experienced Teachers =48.2%). The results of the study have shown that there is a significant difference between Beginning Teachers and Experienced Teachers in Time Management (F=5.3 and p=0.02), whereas there are no significant differences between these two categories regards pre-service preparation, cooperation with parents and classroom management. This study deals to a number of important issues and aims to support responsible institutions to develop programs for the professional preparation and development of Beginning Teachers .

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