
To identify the mutagenic danger of various factors for humans often use two micronuclear tests - in peripheral blood lymphocytes cultivated with Cytochalasin B and in buccal mucosa epithelial cells. The last test is non-invasive and it is incomparably easier for collection and fixation an epithelial cells. Apparently, therefore, there is a sufficient number of publications of the results of meta-analysis of comparisons of these tests, which prove the possibility of their substitution. The aim of our work is to verify the hypothesis of interchangeability of micronuclei tests (MT) on lymphocytes and epithelium mucosa cells by comparing their effectiveness (presence/absence of effect). We selected publications from an array of data on the assessment of any factors - from diseases to industrial and household hazards, but only those in which the same volunteers were taken both tissues - blood for lymphocytes cultivation and scraping of buccal epithelium. Studies with negative response in both tissues compared to the control population were excluded from consideration. Our analysis showed that in the evaluation of 30 different factors affecting humans, a positive result in both tissues was obtained for 17 factors, only in human blood lymphocytes - for 7 factors, and only in buccal epithelium cells- for 6 factors. In addition to these comparisons, the cited articles show the features of each method and the problems associated with the interpretation of the results obtained in each of them. We concluded that for greater reliability of detection of mutagenic factors in genetic and hygienic studies it is advisable to use both tests.

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