
AbstractSoil structure stability was studied in every diagnostic horizons of six soil types (Haplic Chernozem, Greyic Phaeozem, two Haplic Luvisols, Haplic Cambisol, Dystric Cambisol) using different techniques investigating various destruction mechanisms of soil aggregates. Soil aggregate stability, assessed by the index of water stable aggregates (WSA), varied depending on the organic matter content, clay content and pHKCl. The presence of clay and organic matter coatings and fillings, and presence of iron oxides in some soils increased stability of soil aggregates. On the other hand periodical tillage apparently decreased aggregate stability in the Ap horizons. Coefficients of aggregate vulnerability resulting from fast wetting (KV 1) and slow wetting (KV 2) tests showed similar trends of the soil aggregate stability as the WSA index, when studied for soils developed on the similar parent material. There was found close correlation between the WSA index and the KV 1 value, which depended also on the organic matter content, clay content and pHKCl. Less significant correlation was obtained between the WSA index and the KV 2 value, which depended on the organic matter content and clay content. Coefficients of vulnerability resulting from the shaking after pre-wetting test (KV 3) showed considerably different trends in comparison to the other tests due to the different factors affecting aggregate stability against the mechanical destruction. The KV 3 value depended mostly on cation exchange capacity, pHKCl and organic matter content.

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