
The aim of the study was to compare and evaluate the clinical efficacy of a microfilled pit and fissure sealant and a nanofilled pit and fissure sealant at 3, 6, and 12 months of interval. Samples consisting of 55 healthy 8- to 12-year-old children with deep pits and fissures in mandibular first permanent molars were selected for the study. It was a split mouth design and randomized clinical trial. A total of 110 mandibular first molars were divided into two groups of 55 each: group I Fissurit FX sealant and group II Grandioseal nanofilled fissure sealant. The sealed teeth were clinically evaluated at 3, 6, and 12 months of interval to assess marginal adaptation, sealant retention, fissure caries development, roughness of sealant surface, and change of color around the sealant. The results showed that both Fissurit FX and Grandioseal pit and fissure sealants were effective in preventing dental caries. Marginal adaptation was significantly better with Fissurit FX when compared to Grandioseal pit and fissure sealant. There was no difference in sealant retention between the two groups. The surface roughness of Fissurit FX was high when compared to that of Grandioseal. Statistical analysis was done using the Chi-squared test for intra-group comparison and Fisher's exact test for inter-group comparison. Results were considered statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Fissurit FX and Grandioseal pit and fissure sealants provided similar caries preventive effects and there was no difference in retention of sealants over a period of 1 year. However, surface roughness was better with Grandioseal fissure sealants. This study is significant because there is limited evidence about the efficacy of nanofilled pit and fissure sealants in vivo. It will also provide dental practitioners an insight into the clinical efficacy of nanofilled pits and fissure sealant when compared to micro-filled sealant enabling them to make the right choice for the betterment of their dental practice. How to cite this article: Smitha M, Paul ST, Nagaraj T, et al. Comparison and Clinical Evaluation of Two Pit and Fissure Sealants on Permanent Mandibular First Molars: An In Vivo Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20(10):1151-1158.

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