
The present article elucidates endocentric compound words and their types. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest in the study of different types of compound words in the material of different languages. Consequently, several approaches have been developed. It is noteworthy to say that conceptualization of compound words is understood by English and Uzbek scholars differently. The author reckons that analysis of endocentric compound words in Uzbek and English is essential. However, this theme hasn't been learnt thoroughly so far and doing research on them, comparing with those in English are the tasks that awaiting their fulfilment. Topicality of the research is conditioned by the necessity of defining the criteria of differentiating compound words from free word combinations and comparative study of endocentric compound words in the English and Uzbek languages for the first time and investigating the semantic, syntactic relations between the constituents of endocentric compound words, and linguocultural properties of the endocentric words in both languages as well. To study and compare endocentric compound words in the English and Uzbek languages taking into consideration their semantic, syntactic and linguocultural properties in order to reveal their isomorphic an allomorphic features in both languages could be the main purpose of this research. While doing the research there are used different methods, such as: comparative method, immediate constituents analysis of the word structure, distributional analysis and componential analysis of the word meaning as well. The results obtained: new date concerning semantic, syntactic properties of endocentric compound words in the English and Uzbek languages, and linguocultural peculiarities of endocentric compound words are distinguished. General summary and recommendations: the research on the various properties of endocentric compound words on the material of related and non-related languages should be appropriate to continue including their cognitive and linguocultural properties.

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