
A computational model of speech perception, COSMO (Laurent et al., 2017), predicts that speech sounds should evoke both auditory representations in temporal areas and motor representations mainly in inferior frontal areas. Importantly, the model also predicts that auditory representations should be narrower, i.e. more focused on typical stimuli, than motor representations which would be more tolerant of atypical stimuli. Based on these assumptions, in a repetition-suppression study with functional magnetic resonance imaging data, we show that a sequence of 4 identical vowel sounds produces lower cortical activity (i.e. larger suppression effects) than if the last sound in the sequence is slightly varied. Crucially, temporal regions display an increase in cortical activity even for small acoustic variations, indicating a release of the suppression effect even for stimuli acoustically close to the first stimulus. In contrast, inferior frontal, premotor, insular and cerebellar regions show a release of suppression for larger acoustic variations. This “auditory-narrow motor-wide” pattern for vowel stimuli adds to a number of similar findings on consonant stimuli, confirming that the selectivity of speech sound representations in temporal auditory areas is narrower than in frontal motor areas in the human cortex.

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