
Conventional construction is predominantly adopted across the country. Over the last 10 yrs new technologies of construction as entered into the market viz. monolithical construction using aluminium form work, composite construction, insulated wall construction using shortcreting technique, precast construction. Number of entrepreneurs have set up the precast elements across the India and about 30 companies have been setup so far and the industry is gearing up precast construction in a big way departing slowly away from conventional construction Precast technology has many advantages such as time, quality and cost over traditional construction methods resulting in reduction in material consumption, easily buildable and less maintenance. Precast construction is one of the most appropriate solution for managing construction needs for urban areas. In this study we have carried out detailed study of various concepts of precast and found the facts associated with it. Major developers have adopted precast technology for faster project completion, to circumvent labour shortages and achieve quality construction with less wastage. Present paper provides a comparison of precast framed structure with AAC Block walls and precast load bearing wall construction. The purpose of this paper is to find the effective way of construction in terms of cost effectiveness and faster construction. As a part of practical study, have visited two ongoing construction sites of precast framed construction with AAC block walls and precast load bearing wall construction. Efficiency of various activities was measured directly by monitoring real works at site. Also this paper focus on the estimation of quantities of steel and concrete required in both precast framed structure and precast load bearing wall structure.

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