
With the popularization of computers and various mobile intelligent terminals, intelligent multimedia teaching systems with learners as the main body are more and more favored by learners, which affects and changes the methods and modes of Japanese teaching to a large extent. Native language teachers are considered the authority of the language. Fluent oral expression and profound knowledge of language and culture make them regarded as ideal foreign language teachers, especially in oral teaching, they are regarded as having incomparable advantages. This research aims to explore the differences between Chinese and foreign teachers in listening and speaking teaching under the teaching conditions of the intelligent multimedia language room, and to try to analyze the reasons for the differences. This paper interviewed 180 sophomores of Japanese majors, 4 Chinese Japanese teachers and 2 Japanese foreign teachers at foreign language universities through a questionnaire survey, and analyzed the statistical data through SPSS 21.0. The 180 students were divided into groups of 30, with 4 groups from non-Japanese teachers' classes and 2 from Japanese teachers' classes. For a long time, they have used the same Japanese listening and speaking textbooks in the intelligent multimedia language room. In order to better improve the quality of teaching, Chinese and foreign teachers should strengthen teaching cooperation and exchanges, rationally improve teaching content, optimize the use of teaching software, and achieve win-win cooperation. In the NJST class, 29.2% of students believe that they spend more time practicing listening in class than speaking. In the NNJST class, close to 39.1% of students believe that teachers spend more time on listening. Fully consider the needs of learners in learning a second language other than Chinese, and through research on Japanese learning strategies and teaching theories, to design and develop an intelligent Japanese teaching system with comprehensive functions, strong applicability, and support for individualized, autonomous and collaborative learning.

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