
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.The school physical education is the need for developing a generalist, and is an important factor for cultivating the persons with ability. It connects with the future of a state. Into the 21st century, the society of China is going though a great change. So the school physical education in China is facing a good opportunity, as the same time, is facing a big challenge. For finding the existent problems of the school physical education in China, this article compared the school physical education in China with that in the US. Then there are some developing trends and reforming measures to be brought forward that make the school physical education to fit the need of Chinese modem development well.學校體育是人的全面發展的需要,是人才培養的重要環節。學校體育的正確實施能夠滿足現代社會對人才的要求,關係到一個國家的未來。進入21世紀以來,我國社會發生了前所未有的巨大變化,學校體育在面臨新的機遇的同時,同樣面臨著挑戰。本文通過與美國學校體育現狀的比較研究,找出現行我國學校體育存在的問題:並試圖提出學校體育的未來發展趨勢和改革的具體措施,使其更好地適應我國現代化發展的需要。


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