
To compare the health system between Myanmar and China’s health system as the following ways- WHO describes these functions in terms of six components or building blocks: 1.services delivery, 2.health workforce, 3.health information, 4.access to essential medicines 5.health financing, 6.leadership or government. Data were collected publicly set of World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, statistically year books, publicly available reports, documents and published medical literatures. Descriptive and comparative approaches were used. Myanmar health system is mixed with public and private system. Not like Myanmar, China mainly depends on public system. Hospital beds of Myanmar are lower than China and could not cover the total population. Both countries have mal distribution of health workforce because of hard to reach areas, rural and remote areas, low incentive and deficiency of basic facilities. The scope and quality of health information of Myanmar has some limitations and for China is improve quickly with new technologies. Accessing of essential medicines availability and affordability need to be improved in both countries. Myanmar government could not put investment as much as China. The government of both countries should have more effort to get their goals of health system. Both of health system should learn from each other and from other countries to perform the better health success.

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