Background & Objective: Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) has high nutrition or nutritional advantages such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, protein, minerals, and fatty acids that are good for health. This research was purposed decide the difference of the vitamin c level of Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard), Glass eel fase, Yellow eel and Silver eel from poso lake and estuary of Palu River. Materials and Methods: The testing of vitamin c using substance the meet of Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) Glass eel fase, Yellow eel and Silver eel, vitamin C, metaphospat acid and aquadest with the HPLC method (High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography) with Purposive Sampling technique seen based on the size, place, and fish fase as the requirement for the sample taking. Results: The result showed that Sidat Fish (Angilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) with Glass eel fase, Yellow eel and Silver eel from Poso lake and estuary of Palu river was not detected there was the content of vitamin C. Conclusion: Sidat fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) does not contain vitamin C.
Background & Objective: Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) has high nutrition or nutritional advantages such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, protein, minerals, and fatty acids that are good for health
This research was purposed decide the difference of the vitamin c level of Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard), Glass eel fase, Yellow eel and Silver eel from poso lake and estuary of Palu River
Materials and Methods: The testing of vitamin c using substance the meet of Sidat Fish (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) Glass eel fase, Yellow eel and Silver eel, vitamin C, metaphospat acid and aquadest with the HPLC method (High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography) with Purposive Sampling technique seen based on the size, place, and fish fase as the requirement for the sample taking
Ikan air tawar di Sulawesi tercatat sebanyak 62 jenis dan 52 di antaranya merupakan jenis ikan endemik. Penyabaran ikan sidat di Sulawesi yang terbanyak di danau Poso dan sungai Palu (Fadly Y.Tantu, 2014). Dengan demikian ikan ini memiliki potensi sebagai komoditas ekspor (Affandi, 2005). Kurangnya pemahaman dan perhatian masyarakat setempat akan nilai ekonomis sidat menyebabkan potensi ikan sidat yang cukup melimpah di sungai dan danau kurang mendapat perhatian. Beberapa penelitian terkait analisis kandungan vitamin C ikan air tawar telah dilakukan diantaranya oleh Hengky S (2010), menyatakan bahwa ikan lele mengandung vitamin C pada bagian ovarium sebesar 155,98 μg/g. Selama ini penelitian ikan sidat cenderung terfokus pada sungai dan danau Poso, sehingga ketersediaan data di sungai atau danau lainnya, termasuk sungai Palu masih sangat kurang. Gaimard) fase Glass eel, Yellow eel, dan Silver eel asal danau Poso dan muara sungai Palu penting dilakukan untuk melengkapi data kandungan vitamin C ikan sidat yang ada di Sulawesi
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