The giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) and giant stress impedance (GSI) behaviors of amorphous ribbons composed of three commercially available materials (Co66Si15B14Fe4Ni1, Fe81B13Si3.5C2, and Ni40Fe40Si + B19Mo1−2) with differing saturation magnetostriction constants (λs) and Young's moduli (E) were studied under longitudinal stress/strain. The linearity of the ribbons' GSI responses and gauge factors was measured to create a figure of merit and compare their stress/strain sensing performance for strains up to ɛ = 10 × 10−3. We observed that the Ni40Fe40Si + B19Mo1−2 ribbon displayed the best performance for low strains (ɛ < 1 × 10−3), whereas the Co66Si15B14Fe4Ni1 ribbon displayed the best performance for higher strains (ɛ < 10 × 10−3). We conclude that the suitability of a material for sensing strains in any given strain regime has a complex dependence on both λs and E, the former of which dictates both the absolute magnitude of the impedance variation materials exhibit (i.e., the dynamic range), while both λs and E control how their impedances vary with applied strain.
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