Received: 2018-06-06 | Accepted: 2018-06-08 | Available online: 2018-11-26 https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.183-185 The objective of this study was to compare the pure chicken breeds Oravka (OR; n = 50), Amrock (AM; n = 50) and their cross Oravka×Amrock (ORAM; n = 50) and Amrock×Oravka (AMOR; n = 50) for productive and carcass parameters. The birds were maintained on a deep litter system for a period of 20 weeks. We recorded that crossbred ORAM and AMOR chickens performed better than the average of parental genotypes for body weight and body weight gain in brooding and growing period. The poor (P 0.05) difference among pure and crossbred chickens. The highest carcass yield was observed in ORAM (62.53%) followed by AMOR (62.48%), AM (62.41%) and OR (62.39%) chickens. Keywords: body conformation, body weight, chicken, crossbreding, feed utility References Adebambo, A.O. (2011) Combining abilities among four breeds of chicken for feed efficiency variation: a preliminary assessment for chicken improvement in Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 1465-1466. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11250-011-9844-y Almasi, A., Suto, Z., Budai, Z., Donko, T., Milisits, G., Horn, P. (2012) Effect of age, sex and strain on growth, body composition and carcass characteristics of dual purpose type chicken. World´s Poultry Science Journal, Supplement 1, 47-50. Besbes, B. (2009) Genotype evaluation and breeding of poultry for performance under sub-optimal village conditions. World´s Poultry Science Journal, 65, 260-271. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.10.17/50043933909000221 Brickett, K.E., Dahiya, J.P., Classen, H.L., Gomis, S. (2007) Influence of dietary nutrient density, feed form, and lighting on growth and meat yield of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 86, 2172-2181. Duncan, D.B. (1955). The Multiple Range and Multiple F-test. Biometrics, 11, 1-42. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3001478 Havenstein, G.B., Ferket, P.R., Qureshi, M.A. (2003) Carcass composition and yield of 1957 versus 2001 broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 broiler diets. Poultry Science, 82, 1509-1518. Hoffmann, I. (2005) Research and investment in poultry genetic resources-challengs and options for sustainable use. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 61, 57-69. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1079/WPS200449 Iraqi, M.M., Afifi, E.A., Abdel-Ghany, A.M., Afram, M. (2005) Diallel crossing analysis for livability data involving two standard and two native Egyptian chicken breeds. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 17 (7). Janocha, A., Osek, M., Klocek, B., Wasilowska, Z., Turyk, Z. (2003) Quality evaluation of broiler chickens of various genetic groups. Appl. Sci. Rep. Anim. Prod. Rev., 68, 141-148. JASP 0.8.6 software (2018). Khawaja, T., Khan, S. H., Mukhtar, N., Parveen, A. (2012) Comparative study of growth performance, meat quality and haematological parameters of Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red and their reciprocal crossbred chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11, e39. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4081/ijas.2012.e39 Khawaja, T., Khan, S. H., Parveen, A., Iqbal, J. (2016) Growth performance, meat composition and haematological parameters of first generation of newly evolved hybridized pure chicken and their crossbred parents. Veterinarski Arhiv, 86 (1), 135-148. Nawar, M.E., Aly, O.M., Abd El-Hamid, A.E. (2004) The effect of crossing on some economic traits in chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 24, 163-176. Sengul, T., Cetin, M., Konca, Y., Yildiz, A. (2003) Comparison of growth performance and carcass yield of some commercial broilers. Journal of Poultry Research, 3 (1), 12-16. Sharaf, M.M., Mandour, M.A., Taha, A.E. (2006) Effect of diallel crossing on same growth performance, carcass traits and immune response against new castle disease virus vaccine of Japanese quails. Egyptian Poultry Science, 3, 1451-1470.
Dual purpose chicken genotypes are increasingly popular in some regions of Eastern and Middle Europe and Asia, where they play an important social role among farmers and have a positive impact on maintaining rural society and traditional form of agriculture as well as gratify certain local traditions (Almasi et al, 2012).Cross breeding can be carried out as two-way, three-way or four-way crosses, back crosses or rotational crosses
The average day-old weight was highest in OR (34.26 g), intermediate in Oravka × Amrock (ORAM) (34.11 g) and Amrock × Oravka (AMOR) (33.98 g), lowest in AM (33.89 g)
The results showed that both ORAM and AMOR crossbred chickens had lower (P
Dual purpose chicken genotypes are increasingly popular in some regions of Eastern and Middle Europe and Asia, where they play an important social role among farmers and have a positive impact on maintaining rural society and traditional form of agriculture as well as gratify certain local traditions (Almasi et al, 2012). Cross breeding can be carried out as two-way, three-way or four-way crosses, back crosses or rotational crosses. This system maximizes the expression of heterosis, or hybrid vigour in the cross, normally reflected in improved fitness characteristics (Hoffmann, 2005). Oravka and Amrock breeds with better body weight and feed conversion efficiency
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