The present study deals with modeling of ion-isotopic exchange reaction kinetics by application of radioactive tracer isotopes 82Br and 131I. The bro mide and iodide ion-isotopic exchange reactions was carried out by using weak base anion exchange resins Indion-A GR and Duolite A-638. It was observed that for both the resins, reaction rate decreases with rise in temperature and increases with increase in ionic concentration. The study was extended further for characterizat ion of these resins based on their performance under d ifferent operational parameters. It was observed that the percentage/amount of ions exchanged and distribution coefficient values calculated fo r Duolite A-638 was higher than Indion-A GR resins under identical operational parameters, indicat ing superior performance of Duolite A-638 over Indion-AG R resins. Radio isotopes find applications in several fields of which ind ustrial app licati ons consti tut e a majo r po rt io n with respect to the quantum of activ ity used and the economic benefits accrued. Industrial applicat ions of radioisotopes can be main ly categorized into two. The first one being the use of rad iati on fro m sealed sources of rad ioi sotopes or fro m elec tron beam accelerator s for in dustrial pr o cessing, n on- destructive testing. The second major group of applications is the use of radiotracers in inventory control, study of process parameters, trouble shooting in industrial systems, flo w measurements , leakage stud ies etc. The economic benefits that may be derived fro m the use of the radioisotope technology are great, a fact that is recognized by the governm ents of developing countries. Though radioisotopes have been applied to the solution of problems in industry for over 50 years, research and development of the techno logy cont inues unabated . There are t wo main reasons for the continu ing interest. Firstly, it is industry driven . Because o f th eir un ique p ropert ies , radi oact ive isotopes can be used to obtain information about plants and processes that cannot be obtained in any other way. Often, the info rmat ion is obtained with the p lant on-stream and
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