
Dasamoola denotes to a polyherbal Ayurvedic preparation containing ten specific roots of medicinal plants which include five tree species called ‘Brihat Panchamula’ and five shrub species called ‘Laghu Pancha-moola’. Dasamoola Kwatha and Dasamoolarishta are popular Dasamoola preparations in liquid form be-cause of their therapeutic effects. Therefore, they have been widely used for various disease conditions in Ayurveda. Dasamoola Kwatha is the decoction of Dasamoola whereas Dasamoola is a content of the Kwa-tha of Dasamoolarishta. Dasamoola Kwatha is varying with the condition for which it is used. This con-ceptual study was conducted by studying Ayurvedic Kwatha preparation, Sandhana Kalpana according to the Ayurvedic textbooks with the objective to compare the important ingredients of Dasamoola Kwatha and Dashamoolarishta. Also, modern scientific knowledge was explored in this study. The results of pre-sent study suggest that Kwatha and Arishta are the most suitable dosage forms of Dasamoola for the treat-ment of various disease conditions. Further findings also support that the traditional uses of different varie-ties of Dasamoola Kwatha have been designed specifically to address the individualized disease condition. When preparing a medicine for an individual patient, the traditional medical practitioners ideally take into account as such things of the patient more importantly affected Dosha, strength of the digestive fire, body tissues affected and the accumulated toxins. This shows that the Ayurvedic and Traditional preparations are often complex in their composition which is responsible for various functions, such as balancing, stim-ulating, cleansing and nourishing which in turn stimulating the innate capacity of the body to heal itself.

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