
The present study was deal with Concentration of some Heavy elements (Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn) in water, sediment and two species of plant (Phragmites australis and Ceratophyllim demersum). in water, sediment and two species of aquatic plants collection from Al-Gharraf River, samples were collected of three stations in Al- Gharraf River to investigates the possibility of pollution in this area with these elements. three station (Al-Fajr districts, Qal’at Sukkar districts and Al-Rifa’I districts) were chosen to execute this study during the period from winter and summer 2019. Some physical and chemical variable of this river in water (water Temp., pH, Salinity, DO, BOD5) were measured in the study area, also total organic carbon was measured and the result expressed as a percentage. The high water temperature was recorded (17.00 °C in winter to 26.33 °C in summer), pH (7.44 to 7.73) and salinity (0.66 to 1.66)ppt, DO(7.06 to 3.07), BOD5 (4.34 to 2.91). Also, all the Heavy elements recorded a significant increase in water and Ceratophyllin demersum plant samples in the winter higher than summer and in the sediments and Phragmites australis plant the rise in the winter was only in the elements nickel and zinc, but in cadmium and lead were concentration low or do not make a big difference in the winter compared to the summer. Where there is a positive relationship between the increase in concentrations of Heavy elements in the samples studied and increase in the amount of rain, speed of runoff and the rise in water level in the river in winter due to the volume of rising smoke as a result of pollution which descends during the rainfall and erosion of the edges of the river and lack of control over the domestic sewage that has been brought into the river. As well as probable cause to exist Al-Gharraf oil field that newly established and located north of Fajr city, was considered a control station and opposite to the Qal’at Sukkar city and south of Al-Rifai city we can be observed through the results which show a gradual rise in the second and third stations and the third station was higher than stations 1 and 2.

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