
Aim: To determine the nature and magnitude of variation among ber genotypes for different morphological and biochemical characters; and to identify the potential genotypes with promising attributes under arid conditions of Western Maharashtra. Methodology: The observations on metric traits were recorded following the standard procedures. The genetic divergence among the 28 ber genotypes was estimated by Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). Results: The genotype S211 had performed better in terms of fruit weight and estimated the heaviest fruit (22.58 g). The maximum fruit length (4.3 cm) was determined in the genotype Mundia, while the genotype Seo had the maximum fruit diameter (3.60 cm). Genotypes Katha (6.8 kg), S211 (6.7 kg), Dandan (6.4 kg) and Betawadi (6.1 kg) were found superior for yield than the remaining genotypes. In terms of fruit quality, Senure No.3 contained maximum TSS content (21.70 ºBrix) whereas Mundia witnessed minimum titratable acidity (0.19%) and Safeda Rohtaki had the highest acidity percentage (0.87%). Interpretation: PCA revealed Nazuk, Bagwadi, Banarasi Pebandi, and Senure No.3 to be superior ber genotypes that outperformed PC1 and PC2 based on the quality of representation of these genotypes on the factor map. Key words: Arid zone, Ber genotypes, Genetic divergence, Ziziphus species

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