
The results showed that the best growth attributing characters were recorded with T11: 50% RDN + 20kg FYM/tree + 25% N from Castor Cake + 10ml Bio NPK Consortium + Micronutrients foliar spray (1% Grade IV) at 35.28 cm, 45.73 cm, 45.32 cm, and 0.061 m3, respectively. Many yield metrics, including maximum fruit length (8.11cm), maximum fruit diameter (7.96 cm), maximum fruit weight (241.91 g), maximum fruit volume (251.17 cc), maximum fruit number per tree (255.17), and yield (61.81 kg per tree & 17.18 t/ha) were considerably raised by treatment T11. When compared to the other INM treatments, treatment T9; produced the highest pooled TSS content (9.83°Brix). Comparatively, treatment T10 showed the lowest acidity levels in the fruits (0.491% in total data).

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