
The aim of my article is to present the Polish perspective on the state of the art of comparative studies of contemporary Polish and Lithuanian literature. In my article, I discuss difficulties that contribute to the niche status of the field as well as phenomena that positively influence its development. First, I touch upon issues of hermeticity of the Lithuanian language and complicated relations between Poland and Lithuania. Then, I focus on the availability of Lithuanian literature in Poland and mention publications concerning it, written in Polish. I also emphasize the significance of translation endeavors. Next, I enumerate centers that conduct comparative studies of Polish and Lithuanian literature and introduce scholars-comparatists and their publications. I also present the accomplishments of some figures whose activity was significant for building Polish-Lithuanian dialogue on the level of literature and literary studies. I enumerate initiatives that provide new possibilities for the development of this field of studies and describe institutions which promote Lithuanian culture in Poland. In the end, I present possible directions for comparative studies of contemporary Polish and Lithuanian writings.

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