
A novel mononuclear palladium complex, [Pd(dach)(SSA)], where dach and SSA are diaminocyclohexane and sulfosalicylic acid ligands, respectively, has been synthesized and identified utilizing analytical and spectral methods. DFT calculations, namely geometry optimization, MEP, HOMO-LUMO and NBO analysis, have been conducted at B3LYP level by aug-ccpVTZ-PP and 6-311G(d, p) basis sets. NBO and HOMO-LUMO analysis exhibited that the palladium compound is stable. MEP showed the potential sites of molecule for the interaction. By employing MTT assay, the cytotoxicity activity of the aforesaid compound was examined on K562 cell line, which revealed a proper activity compared to cisplatin. To ascertain the lipophilicity of the newly made compound, the partition coefficient measurement was accomplished, which follows the order of cisplatin < Pd(II) complex. Next, investigation of binding properties of the studied compound with DNA of calf thymus and BSA were done by spectroscopic (CD, fluorescence emission and electronic adsorption) and non-spectroscopic (viscosity measurements, DNA gel electrophoresis, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation) methods. The outcomes of CD and UV-Vis spectroscopy demonstrated that the title compound refolded the protein via increasing the alpha helix percentage. The data obtained from UV-Vis studies indicated the non-intercalative mutual action between Pd(II) complex with DNA. It also revealed that the Kapp magnitude of CT-DNA (7.43 × 104 M- 1) is higher than the BSA (5.17 × 103 M- 1), and L1/2 (midpoint of transition) of CT-DNA (5 µM) is lower than the BSA (5.7 µM), indicating that the complex has a greater binding affinity to CT-DNA than BSA. Fluorescence quenching mechanism of the two biomolecules by the metal complex is static and the calculated thermodynamic parameters (ΔS° < 0 and ΔH° < 0) suggested the hydrogen bonding and/ or van der Waals forces with DNA and BSA. Further, molecular docking indicated that the studied compound fits into the groove of DNA and the site I of BSA. The stability of metal compound-DNA/-BSA in the presence of H2O solvent and over the time were validated via molecular dynamics simulation.

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