
Growth performance, gizzard weight, ceca digesta short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and apparent retention (AR) of components were investigated in broilers and turkeys in response to cereal grain type, fiber level, and multienzyme supplement (MES) fed from hatch to 28 d of life. 480-day-old male broiler chicks and equal number of turkeys were placed separately in metabolism cages (10 birds/cage) and allocated to 8 diets. The species-specific diets were a corn or wheat-based basal diet without (LF) or with 10% corn DDGS or wheat middlings (HF) and fed without or with MES. This effectively created a 2 (grain types)×2 (fiber levels)×2 (MES) factorial arrangement of treatments. The diets had TiO2 as an indigestible marker. Body weight, feed intake, and mortalities were recorded to calculate body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Excreta samples were collected on d 25 to 27 for AR, and all birds were necropsied for gizzard weight and ceca digesta on d 28. The interaction between grain and MES in broilers was such that wheat diets with MES had the lowest (P=0.005) FCR. In broilers, LF diets had better (P=0.010) FCR than HF diets. The wheat diets had the highest (P=0.006) concentration of butyric acid in broilers. Broilers fed HF and corn diets had heavier gizzard than broilers-fed LF and wheat diets. The MES improved (P < 0.05) AMEn in HF, corn, and wheat diets in broilers. The turkeys fed wheat diets had the lowest (P=0.019) FCR. Turkeys fed HF wheat diets had the heaviest (P < 0.001) gizzard. In turkeys, the MES improved AMEn in HF and LF corn diets, and only in LF wheat diets compared to respective controls. Treatments had no effect on turkeys cecal SCFA. In conclusion, grain type, fiber, and MES did not affect growth in both species. However, species exhibited differing FCR, gizzard, and energy utilization to fiber and MES.

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