
Twelve Angus (237 +/- 13 kg) and twelve Holstein (235 +/- 15 kg) steers were used to determine whether corn silage-based diets with different NDF levels influence DMI to a similar extent in Angus and Holstein steers and as body weight of the steers increase. Steers were randomly assigned to individual slatted-floor pens and used in a crossover design consisting of six 14-d periods. Experimental diets contained corn silage from a normal hybrid (low-fiber; LF) and its male-sterile counterpart (high-fiber; HF) and were alternated each period. The LF and HF diets contained 33.8 and 50.8% NDF, respectively. The HF diet decreased (P < 0.01) overall steer mean DMI 14.0% relative to LF, with mean differences increasing as steers increased in BW (P < 0.01). Feeding the HF diet also reduced ADG by an average of 13.8% relative to the LF diet (P < 0.01). Holstein steers consumed 14.4% more DM and gained 14.3% faster (P < 0.01) than Angus steers. There was a fiber level x breed-type interaction (P = 0.08) for efficiency of gain. Angus steers receiving the HF diet had greater efficiency of gain than Angus steers consuming the LF diet; however, Holstein steers consuming the LF diet had greater efficiency of gain than those receiving the HF diet. The HF treatment reduced total-tract digestibility of DM and GE by 4.6 and 4.5%, respectively (P < 0.01), and decreased DE intake by 20.5% (P < 0.01) but increased apparent totaltract digestibility of NDF and ADF (9.4 and 8.4%, respectively; P < 0.01). Holstein steers had similar digestibility of DM and GE (P > 0.10) but had greater DE intake (P < 0.01) compared to Angus steers. There were fiber level x breed-type interactions for total-tract digestibility of NDF and ADF (P < 0.06). The difference in DM digestibility was negatively associated with the difference in DMI (r2 = 0.23; P < 0.01) for LF minus HF within Angus steers, but not within Holstein steers (P = 0.42). Total-tract digestibility of NDF and ADF was 4.1 and 3.4% lower for the HF diet but was only 1.1 and 0.6% lower for the LF diet when fed to Holstein compared to Angus steers. Results from this trial demonstrate that high-NDF corn silage-based diets reduced intake of both Angus and Holstein steers, and this reduction in DMI continued as steers increased in BW from 235 to 330 kg. Breed differences were also noted for digestible energy intake as influenced by fiber level.

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