
The proteomics of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples has advanced significantly during the last two decades, but there are many protocols and few studies comparing them directly. There is no consensus on the most effective protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis. We compared the in-solution digestion with RapiGest and Filter Aided Sample Preparation (FASP) of FFPE prostate tissues stored 7 years and mirroring fresh frozen samples, using two label-free data-independent LC-MS/MS acquisitions. RapiGest identified more proteins than FASP, with almost identical numbers of proteins from fresh and FFPE tissues and 69% overlap, good preservation of high-MW proteins, no bias regarding isoelectric point, and greater technical reproducibility. On the other hand, FASP yielded 20% fewer protein identifications in FFPE than in fresh tissue, with 64–69% overlap, depletion of proteins >70 kDa, lower efficiency in acidic and neutral range, and lower technical reproducibility. Both protocols showed highly similar subcellular compartments distribution, highly similar percentages of extracted unique peptides from FFPE and fresh tissues and high positive correlation between the absolute quantitation values of fresh and FFPE proteins. In conclusion, RapiGest extraction of FFPE tissues delivers a proteome that closely resembles the fresh frozen proteome and should be preferred over FASP in biomarker and quantification studies. SignificanceHere we analyzed the performance of two sample preparation methods for shotgun proteomic analysis of FFPE tissues to give a comprehensive overview of the obtained proteomes and the resemblance to its matching fresh frozen counterparts. These findings give us better understanding towards competent proteomics analysis of FFPE tissues. It is hoped that it will encourage further assessments of available protocols before establishing the most effective protocol for shotgun proteomic FFPE tissue analysis.

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