
Oral dosage forms are limited by first pass metabolism and gulping of tablets especially in case of paediatric and geriatrics . Fast dissolving tablets or oral dispersible tablets are novel form of oral dosage systems which disintegrates in couple of seconds so that the proportion of drug that reaches the systemic circulation is increased . Aceclofenac is poorly aqueous soluble, so it can be formulated as oral dispersible tablets, which enhances its dissol vability and ultimately its bioavailability is increased . The Main objective of the study is to develop, optimize, evaluate and compare the percentage release of acyclofenac FDT ’ s prepared by different techniques such as direct compression, Solid dispersio n and Wet granulation . The present investigation is done to select an optimum formulation which is showing good percentage release of drug and to compare the techniques that influences drug release profile . After compression of powder blend, the FDT ’ s are evaluated for various parameters i . e . hardness, friability, wetting time, weight variation, disintegration time and in - vitro dissolution . The effect of concentration and type of superdisintigrants on in - vitro drug release profile used in formulations of f ast dissolving tablets is also investigated . The investigation shows that the formulation of fast dissolving tablets containing PEG - 6000 ( 1 : 1 ratio ) prepar ed by solid dispersion technique have high percentage of drug release profile while the formulations manufactured by wet granulation technique have low percentage of drug release profile .

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