
There has been tremendous increase in failure of pulpectomies due to re-infection in past years due to many organisms especially E. Feacalis. This necessitates the need for finding an obturating material with effective antimicrobial potential against these causative microbes. Aim: To compare antimicrobial efficacy of Zinc oxide eugenol, Zinc oxide plus thyme oil and Zinc oxide with black seed oil against Enterococcus Faecalis and Candida Albicans. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 40 Muller Hinton agar plates which were divided into three groups (n=20). Three wells of 6mm diameter were made by removal of agar at equidistant points and then were filled with the test materials. Both microorganisms were grown at 37℃ for 24hrs in MH Broth. The plates were maintained at room temperature for 2 hours for prediffusion of material and then incubated at 37℃ for 24 hours. After incubation, the diameters of zone of inhibition around the plates were measured with the help of Hi Antibiotic zone scale. Results: The mean zones of inhibition were highest in for ZoBfollowed by ZoE and least for ZoE against Enterococcus faecalis. Similarly, ZoB had highest mean zones of inhibition, followed by ZoE and the least was ZoT against Candida albicans. Conclusion: The antimicrobial efficacy was highest in ZoB against E faecalis and Candida albicans followed by ZoE and then by ZoT. All the test materials had better antimicrobial efficacy against Candida albicans compared to E faecalis.

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