
Background : Panduroga is a pitta-dominant Raktapradoshaja vyadhi. The similarity of the symptoms makes iron deficiency anemia a possibility. A diet deficient in iron-rich foods can lead to iron deficiency anemia related to inadequate dietary iron consumption. Fruits and cruciferous vegetables have the highest concentrations of vitamins and minerals. One of the easiest ways to guarantee that everyone has access to a balanced diet with appropriate micronutrients is to grow a range of foods in the kitchen garden. Aim and objectives- Comparing the efficacy of nutritional supplements from Kitchen Garden (Parasbag) and Gudaharitaki Awaleha is the goal of this study, which is being carried out in collaboration with Mission Samriddhi (MS). Methodology- A total of 60 patients were chosen, divided equally into two groups. While group B patients had 90 days of treatment with Gudaharitaki Awaleha, group A patients also received nutritional supplements from the (Parasbag) Kitchen Garden. Prior to and following treatment, subjective and objective criteria were evaluated. Conclusion and Discussion Both groups' subjective and objective criteria showed a significant improvement. But more patients in group A than group B showed signs of improvement. Conclusion- Because organically cultivated vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients that aid in the avoidance of nutritional inadequacies, nutritional supplements derived from Kitchen Garden and Gudharitaki Awaleha enhance hemoglobin percentage.

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