
The quality of pickled vegetables is essentially safeguarded through various processing techniques. In this study the effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP), pasteurization (Pt), nisin, HPP + nisin and Pt + nisin on fermented radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) were compared. The effects of the different treatments on firmness were not immediately apparent, however, the HPP-treated pickles maintained their hardness best during storage. Compared with Pt, the non-thermal treatments were found to have moderate effects on the colors, both immediately after treatment and during storage. Both HPP and Pt reduced microbes, while HPP + nisin completely inactivated bacteria. The activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD) and pectin methylesterase (PME) were most inactivated via Pt, followed the action of HPP and then by that of the nisin. The sensory evaluation suggested that non-thermal pickled radish might be better accepted by consumers. Moreover, Pt had the strongest ability to reduce oxalic acid and sulfur-containing compounds, while the effects of HPP were relatively moderate, and HPP not only effectively reduced sulfur-containing compounds, but also helped to retain the favorable factors in the pickles. The findings of this study, thus, indicate that HPP could be a promising alternative to traditional pasteurization in the processing and storage of fermented vegetables.

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