
The results of studies of the effect of different modes of magnetic-pulse processing on rooting, development of the root system and the survival of microplants of blackberries and raspberry-blackberry hybrid at the stage of adaptation to nonsterile conditions are presented. Microplants of the raspberry-blackberry hybrid of the Sunberry variety were characterized by 100 % survival rate in non-sterile conditions in the variant with the direction of the pulsed magnetic field (PMF) vector to the plant base. When assessing the impact of the use of PMF at the stage of adaptation of blackberry microplants of the Thornfreе variety, it was noted that this variety is sensitive to the effects of PMF. When β -indolyl-butyric acid (IBA) was added to the nutrient medium during the cultivation of blackberry explants, the direction of the PMF vector perpendicular to the shoot was optimal. The number of roots in this variant was 6.4 with a total length of 37.6 mm. The same PMF regimen ensured the highest survival rate of blackberry microplants — 86.7 %. Among the studied modes of PMF without adding IBA to the nutrient medium, treatment with the direction of the vector in the growth of microplants of blackberry varieties Thornfreе contributed to the better development of roots in an amount of 4.0 pieces and a length of 23.9 mm. In variants without IBA addition at the stage of microcutting rooting during PMF treatment, there was no significant difference with control option (without treatment) in terms of survival rate under non-sterile conditions. After rooting on a nutrient medium without IBA, the highest survival rate of blackberry microplants of the Thornfreе variety, equal to 73.3 %, was noted when the regime was selected with the direction of the PMF vector in the direction of plant growth or toward the base of the microplant.

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