
In our classical Ayurvedic texts, it has been described as beneficial in treating various types of diseases. Tinospora cordifolia satva (TCS) and Tinospora cordifolia ghana (TCG) is one of the unique Ayuvedic classical preparations, prepared from aqueous of extract of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia Miers.) stem. These are frequently used medicines for the treatment of Madhumeha, Pandu, Kamala, Amlapitta, Grahani, Kustha, Jirna Jwara and Viswamjwara, Trishna, Shool, Yakritavikara, etc. Therefore, an attempt was made in this study to evaluate antimicrobial efficacy of these two dosage forms i.e. TCS and TCG. Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Propionibacterium acnes were used for antimicrobial evaluation and the classical method was used for the testing. The results shows that TCS can be considered as comparatively more potent antimicrobial than that of TCG at lower concentration on studied strains of E. coli, P. acnes.
 Keywords: Guduchi satva, Guduchi ghana, Giloy, Tinospora cordifolia, anti-microbial activity, commensal pathogens

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