
The main problem is the fact that Ukrainian citizens need to independently, with the help of external, international, as well as internal factors, build a model of domestic civil society with all its accompanying features and elements, thereby practically proving their commitment to the basic values of Europe, demonstrating readiness for real changes and reforms within our state. A step in this direction is also one of several still unresolved problems standing in the way of integration processes in Ukraine. A characteristic feature of the modern world development of countries is their activation of integration processes in Europe and the world. Even those countries that are not part of integration associations inevitably feel this influence. Recalling the last European territorial expansion, Ukraine became a direct neighbor of the EU. Which in time opens new opportunities for deepening cooperation with the latter. the integration of Ukraine into the European community, and subsequently its membership in the EU, does not mean the automatic creation and functioning of a new model of civil society and the rule of law in Ukraine as a whole. The first Hungarian stage was the Association Agreement signed by the European Community on November 13, 1991. The ratification process was long. Hungary ratified the agreement on December 13, 1993. The EU, declaring Hungary a candidate for the European Community, demanded a few economic and political reforms from it. In 1994, the Hungarian Parliament authorized the government to apply to the EU for Hungary's admission as a full member of this organization, the Republic of Hungary becomes an associate member of the Union. In December 1997, the Council of Europe began negotiations on the accession of six countries, including Hungary, to the EU. However, the date of their final accession to the EU was constantly postponed by its leadership due to internal difficulties experienced by the European Union. Using the example of Hungary, an attempt is made to show the complexity of the European integration path.

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