
Compression purpose to reduce the redundancy data as small as possible and speed up the data transmission process. To solve the size problem in saving data and transmission process, we use Run Length Encoding and Fibonacci Code algorithm to do compression process. Run Length Encoding and Fibonacci Code algorithm is a type of lossless data compression used in this research, which performance will be measured by comparison parameters of the Compression Ratio (CR), Redundancy (RD), Space Saving (SS) and Compression Time. The compression process is only done on image files with Bitmap format (*.bmp) and encode using Run Length Encoding or Fibonacci Code, then perform the compression process. The final result of the compression is file with extension *.rle or *.fib which contains compressed information that can be decompressed back. The output of the decompression result is an original image file that is stored with *.bmp extension. Fibonacci algorithm will give a better compressed size on image color, while in a grayscale image Run Length Encoding will give a better compressed size. Based on the results of research at two different types of images, each algorithm has its own advantages. Fibonacci Code algorithm is better for color image compression while Run-Length algorithm Encoding is better for grayscale image compression.

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