
Given the shortage of milk in the Russian Federation (per capita consumption does not exceed 75% of the norm recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health), the risks of counterfeit products appearing on the domestic market increase. In this regard, the problem of objective assessment of the safety and quality of dairy products, especially drinking milk, as the most accessible to the consumer, becomes relevant. Such an assessment should be based on a system of quantitative indicators that fully reflect the biological, physicochemical and consumer properties of the product. The results of the study showed the high reliability of the Roskachestvo rating data, covering about 70% of drinking milk brands (both pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized) sold on the domestic Russian market. The “Expert’s Choice” rating is characterized by extremely low representativeness and a controversial methodology for calculating the rating functionality, but at the same time it quite accurately names high-quality brands of UHT milk. The Roskontrol rating is distinguished by a selective approach to the selection of analyzed brands (preference is given to well-known brands) and obvious bias - products of manufacturers who do not cooperate with the company, as a rule, receive underestimated ratings. Insufficient volumes of milk production by the Russian agro-industrial complex create the preconditions for product falsification: in the segment of pasteurized milk its share is about 8%, and in ultra-pasteurized milk – about 18%. At the same time, more than 55% of domestic brands sold on the domestic market are of excellent quality, and more than 70% are of good or higher quality.

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